- 34 Associations were represented.
- Most Associations are occupied at the 25% to 33% levels which is slightly higher than normal.
- There was an extensive discussion about what Associations were doing to address the increase in Covid-19 infections in Collier County. Some units are keeping their current restrictions and others are going back to the tighter restrictions due to the infection increases.
- There was universal agreement that masks should be a requirement in all common areas.
- Some associations have replaced all air filters in A/C units serving the common areas with improved versions.
- If you want to keep up with the most recent data by county and zip code in Florida one member recommended using Global Epidemics.Org.
- Some Associations who have not closed their pools are limiting the amount of pool furniture available for use.
- There was an extensive discussion around how to handle visitors during the summer. Rules range from no visitors, relatives only and no rules.
- There was some discussion as to handle returning residents this fall:
- All tended to agree social distancing and mask requirement will be with us for the balance of the year.
- Many felt the two-week quarantine should be required for all returning residents.
- Questions were raised about how to handle visitor requests for all the fall holidays that require a lot of advance planning.
Everyone agreed that this topic should be a main discussion point at the next Zoom meeting which is scheduled for Tuesday Aug 25th at 2PM.