Minutes of November 8, 2018 Public Board Meeting, of the Pelican Bay Property Owners Association

1. The meeting began at 3:00 pm, called to order by President Sanchez.
2. Present were 5 board members and 15 association members. Board members present were:

Robert P. Sanchez, President
Ted Raia, Vice President
John Domenie, Treasurer
Mark English, Secretary
Patricia Florestano, Director

3. President Sanchez determined that a quorum was present and moved to approve the October 11, 2018 board minutes. Motion passed.

4. Treasurer Domenie gave the Treasurer’s report. The current cash balances in the PBPOA bank accounts at Iberia Bank are as follows: savings $20,680.21, checking $11,627.17 and the CD $150,000.00. Totaling $182,307.38

5. Member Comments

a. Pat Bush requested the PBPOA hold a forum regarding accessing financial information after a spouse passes. The board moved for a motion for a financial seminar to be held after the first of the year. Motion passed.

b. John Gandolfo, Pelican Bay Foundation board member, encouraged members to attend all forums between the PB Foundation and the Pelican Bay Services Department to educate themselves on the progress of remediating the ponds as well as the possible repair or replacement of drainage pipes.

c. Pete Duggan, Mangrove Action Group President gave a brief description of what the MAG group stands for and discussed the green algae crisis that has affected Florida’s rivers, canals, lakes and Gulf of Mexico. PBPOA Vice President, Ted Raia addressed Clam Bay and the importance of dredging the pass so it does not become blocked and kill off the mangroves.

6. Committee Reports

a. President Sanchez reported that the plans for the berm restoration are available on the PBSD website. The discussion on how to repair the drainage pipes in Pelican Bay is still ongoing. President Sanchez also discussed the concern about Pelican Bay lakes and ponds being polluted from run off from rain and fertilizer pollution. The cost of remediating the ponds is estimated at $400,000 each. The pathway/sidewalks are still a current issue under discussion by the Services Division.

b. Repairs and relandscaping are still on-going along the Rt 41 berm. A dense barrier with hardwood trees will help remediate noise pollution. The Gulf Park median cut-through has been completed. Pathway subsidence damage at Turkey Oak has been repaired. The sharrow stencils need repainting or replacing with raised thermo plastic appliques. The PBSD budget committee is studying the best ways to finance expansion of long range projects.

7. New Business

a. Vice President Raia addressed the lease expiration for the PBPOA office. There was a motion to renew the current lease for a 3 year term. Motion passed.

b. The Toys for Tots campaign kicked off its holiday campaign on November 7 at the Glenview, where Joanne Hobin presented President Bob Sanchez with a plaque to the Pelican Bay Property Owners Association in honor of their continuous support. The wrap up of the Toys for Tots campaign will be held on Thursday, November 29 from 5:30 to 7:30 at Clive Daniel on Rte 41. Reservations will be limited to 125 and an unwrapped, new toy will serve as the admission ticket.

c. A committee was formed to prepare for a forum to discuss the issues faced by a spouse experiencing the loss of a loved one. Board member, Pat Florestano, will serve as moderator of the panel which will consist of legal, financial and grief counseling expert. Date of the forum is January 22 from 3:00 to 5:00 PM at the community center.

d. Vice President Raia made a motion to move the PBPOA special CD of $150,000.00 to our checking account at IberiaBank upon its maturity on November 28, 2018 and then invest in another CD for $150,000.00 at the institution offering the best interest rate. The motion passed unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 4:30 PM.

The next board meeting will be held Thursday December 13th at 3:00 PM.