The meeting began at 3:00 pm, called to order by President Sanchez.

Present were 6 board members:

Robert P. Sanchez, President

Patricia Florestano, Vice President

Ted Raia, Vice President

Mark English, Treasurer

Donna Raab, Director

Hank Rossi, Director

President Sanchez determined that a quorum was present and moved to approve the October 10, 2019 board minutes. Motion passed.

President Sanchez announced the addition of new board member Hank Rossi.

Treasurer English gave the Treasurer’s report.  The current cash balances in the PBPOA bank accounts at Iberia Bank are as follows: checking is $24,084.89 and the CD is $133,306.50 totaling $157,391.39.

Items discussed:

The idea of having one topic each meeting. Considered “Naples 1” as well as S. Beach, Sidewalks – repair and use; Parking issues. Bob Sanchez will investigate a speaker knowledgeable on the subjects.

Decided topic for the February 13 meeting will be Naples 1. Considering a review on the South Beach changes for the following meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:00.

The next board meeting will be held Thursday February 13, 2020 at 3 PM.