1. The meeting began at 3:00 pm, called to order by President Sanchez.

2. Present were 4 board members and 23 Association members. Board members present were:

Robert P. Sanchez, President

Patricia Florestano, Vice President

Ted Raia, Vice President

Mark English, Secretary

John Domenie, Treasurer

3. President Sanchez determined that a quorum was present and moved to approve the February 13, 2019 board minutes. Motion passed.

4. Treasurer Domenie gave the Treasurer’s report. The current cash balances in the PBPOA bank accounts at Iberia Bank are as follows: checking $36,090.73 and the CD $150,000.00. Totaling $186,090.73

5. Old Business

a. President Sanchez reported on the Red Tide Project there were over 3,800 signatures signed for the petition and returned to Governor Ron DeSantis. The sidewalk issue is still ongoing, with the most current development is the possibility of using porous materials with many in attendance opposing the idea wanting to use asphalt.

b. Mark English gave a report on using bonds for long term projects with the current interest rate being at an all-time low. Many members supported this idea.

c. The Person of the Year for 2018 is Joe Adams, a World War II Air Force Veteran as a right waist gunner bomber and the founder of the Pelican Bay Men’s Coffee.

6. New Business

a. The Executive Committee of the Pelican Bay Property Owners Association Board met on March 27 and voted to expand the Board by adding three candidates as new members. These candidates, Donna Raab, Barbara (Bebe) Kanter, and Joseph (Joe) Bawduniak, were nominated and unanimously elected to a three year term on the Board at the PBPOA meeting held on April 11 at the PB Community Center.

b. The Executive Committee expressed their condolences to Vice President Patricia Florestano who lost her son unexpectedly on March 30th. The PBPOA made a donation memorial made in his honor to the University of Maryland Terrapin Club.

7. Member Comments

a. There were many members in attendance with concerns over the proposed sidewalk project. The PBSD is in favor of replacing with concrete sidewalks, whereas some residents would prefer a less expensive asphalt replacement.

b. They would like to see more resident support at the PBSD meetings.

c. There were members in attendance who voiced their opinions over having more PBPOA Board members attend the various meetings throughout PB.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 4:30 PM. The next board meeting will be held Thursday May 9th, at 3:00 PM.

1 Comment

Kenneth Stoler · May 3, 2019 at 8:06 pm

I want to be on record as being in favor of asphalt for the paths

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