We Kissed Our Sister, or, If You Prefer, Our Brother!
The Collier County Planning Commission met on Wednesday, November 5th to consider for the 3rd time Stock Development’s One Naples proposed project on the NE corner of Vanderbilt Road and Gulf Shore Dive. Your Pelican Bay Property Owners Association was there for all 24 or so hours of testimony either in person, watching Channel 98 or by ZOOM. And Mark E. English, Pelican Bay property Owners Association President presented to the Planning Commission on November 5th the Pelican Bay Property Owners opposition position on the project.
Day three was not without drama. Collier County Attorney, Jeffrey A. Klatzkow, asked Planning Board Chairman Edwin Fryer to recuse himself after he distributed some documentation to the other Commissioners, apparently illegally, illegally, at least by Mr. Klatzkow’s interpretation of the relevant statue. So that left six Commissioners to vote.
The final vote was three Commissioners in favor of the Stock Development’s One Naples Project and three Commissioners opposed. Two of the three “yes for approval” Commissioners were never shy about telegraphing their love for Stock Development throughout the three days of testimony, and, of course, were no surprise when they voted to approve. The approving Commissioners are Joseph Schmitt, Robert Klucik and Acting Chairperson, Karen Homiak. The Commissioners who voted against the project as proposed are Karl Fry, Paul Shea, and Christopher Vernon.
Everybody owes a huge outcry of gratitude to Buzz Victor and his excellent group of consultants and attorneys. They are amazing in every way. And to the thousands of you who sent letters, signed the petition and completed the “property value” survey, thank you so much. It truly did make a positive difference. It is absolutely unfathomable that any Commissioner could ignore the “Will of the People” as demonstrated by the depth and breath of the opposition. Besides Stock Development, itself, there were very few public comments or public commentators in favor of One Naples. The vote clearly shows the muscle that these developers have with public authorities.
Now it’s on to the Collier County Board of Commissioners. We have a new Commissioner in Rick LoCastro who is replacing the retiring, Donna Fiala. We will go through all of this again. Please stay with us. In the end, it’s “What’s right, not who’s right.” And when thousands of residents tell you that they do not want the One Naples Project as proposed, most reasonable people will pay attention. We will be asking you for your continued help. We are so very grateful for all of your unqualified and continued support
Mark E. English, President for your friends at the Pelican Bay Property Owners Association
Thank you for your work to support the collective interests of Pelican Bay residents. One Naples as proposed will bring thousands more people to the area that is already over crowded with traffic, not to mention the traffic that will drive through our PB neighborhoods to escape traffic delays on 41 and Vanderbilt Beach Rd.
1 Comment
Abby Montsinger · November 14, 2020 at 1:34 am
Thank you for your work to support the collective interests of Pelican Bay residents. One Naples as proposed will bring thousands more people to the area that is already over crowded with traffic, not to mention the traffic that will drive through our PB neighborhoods to escape traffic delays on 41 and Vanderbilt Beach Rd.
A Montsinger
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