Minutes of January 12, 2017 Public Board Meeting of the Pelican Bay Property Owners Association
1. The meeting began at 2 pm, called to order by President Bob Naegele.
2. Present were 9 board members and 8 association members. Board members present were:
Mark English
Toni St. Germaine
John Domenie
Ted Raia, Secretary
Bob Sanchez, Vice President
Bob Naegele, President
Joe Ellebracht, Treasurer
Pat Florestano
Jane Ellsworth
3. Bob Naegele determined that a quorum was present
Bob Naegele gave the President’s Welcome, in which he reiterated the purpose of the PBPOA and recent events. Discussed was the reaction from the members of the increase of dues: not been many complaints from members regarding the increase. Also discussed were the interim of PBPOA officers after Mr. Naegele’s departure until the annual elections are held and will be the following:
i. President – Bob Sanchez
ii. VP – Joe Ellebracht
iii. Treasurer- Ted Raia
iv. Secretary – Mark English
4. Mr. Ellebracht gave the Treasurer’s report. The current cash balances in our bank accounts total $230,554.89. Office manager Holly Brouwer gave an update on member renewals in which at this time are at approx. 631 with daily renewals slowing down only at approx. 60% on a daily basis. She also told the board of the increase of members renewing from 2015.
5. Bob Sanchez gave the Foundation Update, the Services Division Update and the Communication Update.
- Concerns of the quality of beach services, parking, safety, the personal and overall abuse of the PB beach access.
- Concerns with the mangrove die off were discussed as well as the displeasure of the quality received from Summit. Pelican Bay is in year 2 of a 5 year contract.
- The restaurant at Marker 36, has hired an outside food and beverage auditor to help improve the quality of overall service.
6. Greentree update – Joan Arlen spoke of her ongoing fence dispute with her neighbor. The issue is now in litigation. Heather Waldorf spoke about her border wall dispute with her neighbor on Sand Point Drive.
7. New Business
a. Beach Re-nourishment is still ongoing
b. PBPOA Toys for Tots was very successful.
c. Proposal for Honorary BOD Membership with a 3 yr position MOTION PASSED
d. PBPOA & MAG agreement MOTION PASSED reevaluate in 6 months
e. 4 Board Social Event to be held mid Feb MOTION PASSED
f. PBPOA Person of the year for 2016 will be Johan Domenie date for the dinner to be announced at a later date.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 4:00 PM.